Ih r T il


A cinematic chamber-piece set on the mystical Isle of Capri.

Over the course of one weekend, in an idyllic villa close by the Blue Grotto, 
two men and two women meet. As the hours pass they find themselves entangled 
in a humorous clash of attraction and ego.
We follow the ebb and flow of their stories as their lives tilt and spin 
by sometimes small and other times significant degrees.


UGO GRIMBOLD - young, sombre, and somewhat confused by life - travels to Capri intent on selling the beautiful villa which he’s just inherited.
Ugo’s best friend, NESTOR, an architect, has already arrived, and counsels Ugo against selling the house.
Nestor is accompanied by the mysterious EMILIE who’s got a day to kill before joining her billionaire boyfriend for a cruise.
The following morning, Nestor makes a final attempt at persuading his friend not to sell the house. Ugo wanders off by himself, exploring the island in a Fiat 500.
Now the dreamy BABETTE arrives at the villa. She shared the same godfather with Ugo.
Nestor invites Babette to stay for the weekend, hoping that she might help to draw Ugo out of his apathy.